18650 BATTERY REVIEWS A vape battery is one of the critical components of any vaping device. Before buying batteries for your vaping device, consider reviewing the characteristics of specific models. 18650 battery reviews based on deep analysis and testing. MXJOEFESTMXJO 18650 2500mAhMXJO 18650 3000mAhMXJO 18650 3500mAhEFEST 18650 2600mAh 40AEFEST 18650 3000mAh 35AIMRENAWTIMREN 18650 2500mAh 40AIMREN 18650 3000mAh 40AIMREN 18650 3200mAh 40AAWT 18650 3000mAh 40AAWT 18650 3500mAh 35ASONYSONY 18650 2100mAh VTC4SONY 18650 2600mAh VTC5SONY 18650 3000mAh VTC6SONY 18650 3000mAh VTC6A